Podcast on the 'GWB Digitization Act' with Taylor Wessing

Listen to the podcast (in German)
In the wake of the official draft of the 10th German Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB) amendment, economist Thilo Klein speaks on the first issue of Taylor Wessing’s "Competition Cast" (in German language) on the most innovative new regulation of the so-called GWB Digitization Act. The regulation of "undertakings with a superior cross-market significance for competition" (Section 19a (1) of the draft) may affect major international digital platforms and is the subject of particular legal and economic interest. Is the regulation really necessary? And, if so, will the draft law meet the objectives of the regulation?
Listen to the views of Taylor Wessing’s Antitrust Law Partner Manuel Nagel and Executive Vice President and Head of Compass Lexecon’s German offices, Thilo Klein in this podcast.