Hendrik Bessembinder, World Renowned Market Microstructure and Trading Expert, Joins Compass Lexecon

Compass Lexecon is delighted to announce that Professor Hendrik (Hank) Bessembinder, a leading market microstructure and trading expert, has affiliated with the firm as a Senior Consultant. Professor Bessembinder is the A. Blaine Huntsman Presidential Chair in Finance at the David Eccles Business School of the University of Utah. His academic research focuses on all aspects of trading, including trade execution costs, trading strategies, order routing, market rules, market transparency, and market structure, and spans stock, futures, bond, commodity, foreign exchange, and energy markets. He has published over 35 articles in the most prestigious academic journals. He is Managing Editor of the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Associate Editor of the Journal of Financial Economics and the Journal of Financial Markets, and former Associate Editor of the Journal of Finance.
Professor Bessembinder has over 15 years of successful consulting experience, in both advisory and litigation roles. He has provided strategic advice and analysis for numerous major firms and financial markets. His litigation and regulatory experience includes projects for government agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the Internal Revenue Service, as well as numerous projects for private sector clients. Professor Bessembinder is frequently invited to speak at conferences, financial markets, and universities around the world. Prior to affiliating with Compass Lexecon, Professor Bessembinder was affiliated with Cornerstone Research and Analysis Group.
Professor Bessembinder stated "Compass Lexecon is one of if not the leading economic consulting firms in the world. I'm excited to join and have the opportunity to work with its world class experts and support team." Daniel R. Fischel, Compass Lexecon's Chairman and President, commented "We are very pleased to have Hank join the Compass Lexecon team. He will bring significant additional expertise in any matter involving trading patterns regardless of the type of market involved."