E-Invest: The Power Sector Investment Challenge

26 September 2019, 08:30 – 15:00
AREA 42, Rue des Palais 46, 1030 Brussels
Compass Lexecon is the Knowledge Partner for this event. E-invest will address the EU commitment to a carbon-neutral power supply by 2050 through investment in clean generation, storage, and infrastructure.
The European electricity industry is committed to delivering a renewable-based and carbon-neutral power supply in Europe before 2050, which could turn Europe into a carbon-neutral economy by 2050.
A recent report by Eurelectric - ‘Decarbonization Pathways’ - estimates that full decarbonization of the power sector will require a significant increase of investments in clean generation and storage (towards 100bn euros per year over the period), as well as additional grid and infrastructure investments.
However, it is uncertain whether the current energy market design and framework for regulating energy infrastructures are fit for purpose.
Energy economist Fabien Roques, Executive Vice President at Compass Lexecon, will deliver a keynote on ‘The evolution of energy market design and regulation to support investment for a climate-neutral economy’. Alaric Marsden, Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting, will join a panel to discuss whether the current framework is sufficient to achieve the decarbonization of the power sector. They will be joined by high-profile speakers from the European Investment Bank, ENTSO-E, Enel, ENGIE, Endesa, SSE Renewables, Gas Infrastructure Europe, Morgan Stanley, and CEER.
Register to attend on the Eurelectric website.