Compass Lexecon Economics Conference 2023 – Call for papers

Compass Lexecon invites paper submissions by those wishing to attend the second edition of the Compass Lexecon Economics Conference on Friday, 22 September 2023 at Wadham College in Oxford, UK.
Conference details
The subject area covered by the conference is competition economics and industrial organisation, and the scope for novel techniques and analysis in this area.
The conference aims to provide a forum in which economists in competition authorities, regulators academia and industry can exchange ideas on recent advances in empirical and theoretical academic work relevant to competition economics and industrial organisation, and new directions in methodology and approaches (e.g. use of machine learning and data science in competition economics). For an overview of last year’s conference, please see the event synopsis here.
Paper submission
Anyone wishing to be considered for attendance at the conference should submit an academic paper relevant to competition economics and industrial organisation. We welcome submissions of both theoretical and empirical papers related to competition economics and industrial organisation, or to the deployment of data science and machine learning techniques in this area. We particularly encourage submissions with relevance to the economic analysis of competition policy related issues, such as work on market definition, issues relevant to merger control, damages estimation or other relevant theoretical work on firm and consumer behaviour.
We also welcome submissions of work in progress or incomplete papers, where the submission demonstrates that the work is sufficiently progressed to be presented.
Please submit your paper via email to No fee is charged for submissions.
Papers are accepted on a rolling basis, with the last date for submission being 14 July 2023. Authors will be notified about whether their paper has been accepted by 11 August 2023 at the latest.
For any questions regarding the conference or the paper submission process, please email For applicants selected to present at the conference, one night’s accommodation organised by Compass Lexecon, as well as reasonable travel expenses up to £300 per person will be covered.