William M. Landes


William Landes, Co-Founder of Lexecon, is the Clifton R. Musser Professor of Law and Economics at The Law School at the University of Chicago.  Prior to joining the University of Chicago Law School, he taught in the Economics Departments of Stanford University, the University of Chicago, Columbia University, and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.  Landes is an expert in the application of economics and econometrics to legal problems including intellectual property, torts and antitrust and has written widely in these fields.  He has appeared as an expert before courts and various government agencies.  Landes formerly served as the President of the American Law & Economics Association and as an editor of the Journal of Law and Economics and the Journal of Legal Studies.  In addition, he co-authored The Economic Structure of Tort Law and The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law, both with Richard A. Posner, and has published numerous articles in academic journals.  Landes received his Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University.

  1. Education icon


    • PhD in Economics, Columbia University

William’s cases

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