Andrea Brucato


Los Angeles

Andrea Brucato is an Economist with Compass Lexecon based in Los Angeles.

Andrea specializes in the application of economic analysis and econometric techniques to the study of competition policy, including damages estimation, the competitive impact of mergers and anticompetitive practices.

Andrea’s experience covers a wide range of industries including transportation, heavy weight trucks, digital platforms, retail and manufacturing. He was involved in several competition cases before the European Commission as well as national competition authorities, such as the UK CMA, the Chilean FNE, the US DOJ and many Asian competition authorities (Chinese, Japanese, South Korean and Singaporean authorities).

Andrea holds a Master’s in Competition and Market Regulation from Barcelona School of Economics, as well as a BSc in Economics and Social Sciences and a MSc in Economics of Government and International Organizations, both from Bocconi University.

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    • Master’s in Competition and Market Regulation, Barcelona School of Economics
    • MSc in Economics of Government and International Organizations, Bocconi University
    • BSc in Economics and Social Sciences, Bocconi University

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