Andrew Tuffin

Vice President, Research


Andrew Tuffin is a Vice President at Compass Lexecon, based in London.

Before joining Compass Lexecon, Andrew spent 10 years in government and regulation, implementing and analysing government policy. He led a series of teams, producing rigorous analysis and clear insight to support senior leaders, influencing and informing their decisions.

As Head of Price Cap Policy at the British energy regulator, Ofgem, Andrew led a team of economists designing the retail price cap. He was responsible for developing and consulting on proposals.

Andrew qualified as a Chartered Accountant at the National Audit Office, where he led a number of value for money studies, analysing welfare programmes and financial management in government.

Andrew has First Class degree in History and a Masters in Philosophy, specialising in logic and metaphysics.

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    • MA in Philosophy, King’s College London
    • BA in History, University of Manchester
    • Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

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